Flexible Shrink Sleeve Applicator
High-speed | Mechanical perforator | Non-symmetrical containers
Shrink sleeve applicator
Precise Sleeving for Non-symmetrical containers | High Speed
Flexible shrink sleeve applicator
The products are separated using a timing screw
A micro-perforation is set between each sleeve: The sleeve is opened using a mandrel, the horizontal perforation breaks when the sleeve is shot onto the container while it is moving on the conveyor.
Advantages: low tooling cost, the mandrel has the footprint of your container (better orientation, easier shrinkage)
Mechanical perforator compatible with thin material and all LFW
Brushless drivers for a smooth sleeve indeed, precise perforation location and limitation of the settings during a changeover
Each subassembly is designed in order to give full access to all moving parts allowing easy maintenance.
Unique PDC mandrel design giving precise orientation and reducing sleeve LFW.