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CE Approved | 360° decoration | Optimum Efficiency

Stretch Sleeve Applicator for Jerrycan Labeling 

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SAM 5-30 L

Stretch Sleeve Applicator

Ideal for Jerrycan | Both in-line and standalone configuration 

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How it works

Once the product stopped under the sleeve applicator head, fingers grab a sleeve, stretch it and bring it down onto the container.

Product specifications

Product capacity: from 5-30 L

Shape: Cylindrical, square, rectangular

Optimized tooling parts: color-coded and low weight

Speed 15 CPM | Size changeover <15 mins

Filled or empty container

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The easily accessible control panel makes it easy to operate by giving access to all information needed by operators or maintenance engineer

Brushless motors for optimum efficiency (precise vertical position)

Efficiently designed sub-assemblies: providing easy access during maintenance

SAM  machine internal view

A Green solution

Low energy consumption: less than 24 KW/H and less than x Nm3/H

No glue required!

No shrink tunnel: Sleeves' elasticity lets it adapt to the product's perimeter 

Eco-friendly:  LPDE Sleeve is easy to recycle (density 0.93), no toxic fumes incinerated

Safety Features

CE approved

Covers are designed in order to prevent access to moving parts, square, rectangular

Torque limiter to prevent damaging parts in case of a crash

Extra safety PLC (optional)

Technical specification

Download Product Sheet 
Download machine layout
SAM Side view H: 2605 mm W: 3154 mm
SAM top view


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