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Stretch Sleeve Applicator

Versatile and flexible 

High-speed linear sleeve applicator for decoration and multi-packing

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Stretch Sleeve Applicator

High-Speed | Compact | Linear range

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STG2-BM stretch sleeve applicator is our linear range.

High-speed: This compact linear stretch sleeve applicator can reach speeds up to 120 cpm and is compatible with partial or full decoration as well as multi-packing applications.

Sleeving dimensions: It is able to sleeve containers from 0.33 up to 10 liters, matching your current and future needs!


  • With the high-speed sleeve application of up to 120 cycles/min, the machine is designed with two stretch sleeve application assemblies running at 50% of the actual speed. 
  • It can sleeve empty or filled containers.
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Brushless technology for all moving parts, which lengthens the duration of the machine.

Time-efficient When one stretcher assembly brings the sleeve down onto the container, the other goes up in order to grab the next sleeve, saving a lot of time and reducing application speed.

Continuous sleeve indeed non-stop motion, the products never stop.

Easy maintenance Minimal tooling parts required


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